Nachdem wir unsere Zelte pünktlich um 11 (statt um 9) aufbrachen, machten wir uns heute auf den Weg nach Saarbrücken. Wie ihr schon an der Überschrift sehen könnt, haben wir dies aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht geschafft. Zum einen lag es vielleicht an der Morgenmüdigkeit, die uns stets ein treuer Begleiter in den ersten Stunden des Tages ist, zudem an der tollen Landschaft entlang der Nahe, in der man sich stets ein bisschen verliert, zum anderen aber wohl viel eher am tollen Empfang, den uns Eugen und Anne Finkler, die Eltern von Isabel, bereiteten. Neben der Herzlichkeit, hatte dies für unser Unterfangen auch noch ganz praktischen Nutzen. So haben wir jetzt wieder eine gut funktionierene Anhängekupplung und hatten das Vergnügen, in der Nacht, mit Eugen zu sprechen, der vor 13 Jahren selber eine ähnliche Tour aus dem Saarland bis nach Ostspanien unternommen hat. Vielen Dank nochmal für alles!
After we break up our little camp in time at 11am (we planned it for 9am!), we started our way to Saarbrücken. As You can already see in the Title, we didn't reach this goal. First, it could be the tiredness, which keeps us from getting awake early every morning, second the nice landscape, which held us from making a considerable progress, but the most particular reason was the cordiality, with which, Eugen and Anne Finkler, the parents from Isabel, gave us a welcome to Selbach. Apart from the nice aspect of getting a goood meal, cold beer and great hospitality, it also had a practical use. Now, we again have a new coupling for our trailer and had the great posibility to talk a bit to Eugen, who made a quite similar bike trip 13 years ago from the Saarland to Eastern-Spain. Thanks again for every little advice!
Mathias (last day on the german road)
After we break up our little camp in time at 11am (we planned it for 9am!), we started our way to Saarbrücken. As You can already see in the Title, we didn't reach this goal. First, it could be the tiredness, which keeps us from getting awake early every morning, second the nice landscape, which held us from making a considerable progress, but the most particular reason was the cordiality, with which, Eugen and Anne Finkler, the parents from Isabel, gave us a welcome to Selbach. Apart from the nice aspect of getting a goood meal, cold beer and great hospitality, it also had a practical use. Now, we again have a new coupling for our trailer and had the great posibility to talk a bit to Eugen, who made a quite similar bike trip 13 years ago from the Saarland to Eastern-Spain. Thanks again for every little advice!
Mathias (last day on the german road)