Nach der kurzweiligen Nacht am Strand machten wir uns heute also auf, die Berge zu erklimmen, Übermenschliches zu leisten und den Heldentaten unserer Vorfahren nacheifernd schier unschaffbare Taten zu vollbringen. Die Pyrenäen sollten heute also neben der Sonne der größte Feind auf unserem Weg nach Spanien sein. Soviel vorweg: wir haben gesiegt. Doch das wir es schafften, ist nicht nur den Muskelbergen unter unseren Radkleidung zu verdanken, sondern auch Titi, einem Franzosen, der uns beim Nachfüllen der Trinkflaschen versuchte klarzumachen, das wir einen sehr viel schwierigeren Weg nehmen als dies unbedingt notwendig wäre. So machten wir kurzerhand kehrt und verließen rankreich erst in Le Perthus, um dann, erneut begleitet von starkem Rückenwind, gen L'Escala zu radeln, wo wir von Pablo und Miquel schon mit einem extrem köstlichen Abendessen erwartet wurden (Und diesmal haben die beiden dem ganzen noch die Krone aufgesetzt und ich müsste erst ein Lexikon suchen, um die ganzen Köstlichkeiten herauszusuchen, die wir hier verspeisen durften). Kurzerhand, auch aufgrund fehlender Zusagen in Barcelona, werden wir morgen schon hier eine Pause einlegen und die verschwitzten Radsachen mit Meeressalz und Sandstränden tauschen. ;)
After the shor night at the beach we decided to face the situation, because today, it was not only the sun, but also the mountains, who were the oponents in our try to reach impossible goals, to beat unbeatable enemies and in the aim of being part of the history, and repeat the heroic deeds of our ancestors. So the Pyrenees were the biggest obstacle and so much in first place: we made it! But not only our meanwhile strong muscles made that possible, but also Titi, a french guy, who tried to tell us, that we were going directly into the hell, if we would continue the way, we were cycling. So we decided to take another road, which probably wasn't that steep. So we left France in Le Perthus and, acompanied by again strong wind from behind, the rest of the stage was easy. Pablo and Miquel already waited for us and in the evenig, they prepared a lovely dinner, together with friends (and this time I really can't tell You what we ate, because it would take me ages to check all the stuff in a lexicon :) Becausewe didn' t got a positive reply yet from Barcelona, we decided to stay one more day in L'Escala and change the sweaty clothes for beach and sea ;)
Ya muchisimas gracias a Pablo y Miquel por todo, la hospitaidad de vosotros nos gusta mucho y estamos felizes de haber podido encontrar gente como vosotros. Todo esto nos ayuda mucho para pasar un tiempo genial como lo estamos pasando!
Mathias ("road" se llama "carretera" aqui)
Ps: Who can see mi imagination in the picture with the "mountains"? Wer kann meine Gedanken lesen im Bild unten links mit den "Bergen"?
After the shor night at the beach we decided to face the situation, because today, it was not only the sun, but also the mountains, who were the oponents in our try to reach impossible goals, to beat unbeatable enemies and in the aim of being part of the history, and repeat the heroic deeds of our ancestors. So the Pyrenees were the biggest obstacle and so much in first place: we made it! But not only our meanwhile strong muscles made that possible, but also Titi, a french guy, who tried to tell us, that we were going directly into the hell, if we would continue the way, we were cycling. So we decided to take another road, which probably wasn't that steep. So we left France in Le Perthus and, acompanied by again strong wind from behind, the rest of the stage was easy. Pablo and Miquel already waited for us and in the evenig, they prepared a lovely dinner, together with friends (and this time I really can't tell You what we ate, because it would take me ages to check all the stuff in a lexicon :) Becausewe didn' t got a positive reply yet from Barcelona, we decided to stay one more day in L'Escala and change the sweaty clothes for beach and sea ;)
Ya muchisimas gracias a Pablo y Miquel por todo, la hospitaidad de vosotros nos gusta mucho y estamos felizes de haber podido encontrar gente como vosotros. Todo esto nos ayuda mucho para pasar un tiempo genial como lo estamos pasando!
Mathias ("road" se llama "carretera" aqui)
Ps: Who can see mi imagination in the picture with the "mountains"? Wer kann meine Gedanken lesen im Bild unten links mit den "Bergen"?